Get Paid for your Stories

Running some nice profitable campaigns with us? Making money with our traffic?
That’s great! Now you can score some extra cash by simply lining up your experience with us and sharing a case study. We pay a minimum of $200 for any case study you share with us!
🙋 What should the case study include?
Description of the CPA offer that you run
Screenshot of the landing/pre-landing page(s)
Statistics screenshot in CPA network’s dashboard
Statistics screenshot in BidVertiser
Screenshots of your creatives
Detailed description of your setup, targeting and ongoing optimization
You write a case study about your successful campaign – and we pay you for it. How easy is that? Just make sure that your case study will be useful and contain details. If it meets our requirements and we choose to publish it – we guarantee that you get the money!
The minimum price for a case study is $200 – but there is no maximum! We are ready to pay more for a GREAT case study.
💰 How do I get paid?
Write a detailed story about your advertising campaign
Send it to
Our team will then review and get back to you once approved
📝 Terms and conditions
BidVertiser is the only traffic source should be used
Traffic bought during the past 2 month
Minimum campaign budget is $200 and average daily spent at least $25
Minimum ROI is 50%
Case study must be unique and creatives/campaign must be legit
You can send as many unique case studies and get paid for each
Once approved, it will be published across various media channels
The money will be credited to your advertising account